To know me is to know I love being a Mom, and I love talking about my late Mother. As I mentioned in my first post, I lost my beloved Mom to cancer 7 years ago, but it still feels like it was just yesterday. Up until the very end of my Mother's battle, I would design protective jewelry (solid gold hamsas, crosses, the Star of David, evil eyes, hearts, a bespoke Solange Azagury script ring with my Mother’s middle name, Faith) with hopes that these talismans would keep her cancer away, keep her with me. In the end, nothing could stop the brutal fight she was facing, but I still remember her face lighting up when she opened these little treasures, for a moment there was levity.

My Mother always loved jewelry, and in our last weeks together, I really experienced how in the darkest of times, the smallest token can bring light, and can help you celebrate a moment with a loved one. When my company, The Stax, is sourcing jewelry for a client, nothing brings me more joy than being tasked to find a sentimental gift to commemorate a bond between a child and parent, or, even better, to find the perfect "push present". As a Mother myself, I indulge - probably more often than I should— in little pieces that remind me of my kids, or will help me remember a milestone. As fraught as Mother's Day can be, whether you've also lost your Mother or have a strained relationship, or if you're aching to be one yourself, there are still moments of beauty. After all, mothering yourself is one of the hardest jobs there is!
Mother’s Day gifts are major for me. I love gifting new friend’s babies little jewels and watching their cherubic faces play with their shiny new thing. Finding expecting Moms an epic gift to get them over the finish line, or even a gift for yourself, a way to pat yourself on the back and say I DESERVE THIS… Because life is short, and sweet, so let’s shop and seize the day, friends!
This topic makes me giddy. I come from a family with roots in Spain and Turkey, so I’ve had my ears pierced since I was a baby… and in turn, I became acquainted with accessories from day one. Here are some of my favorites below. The BEST baby bangle! The perfect diamond and gemstone studs! The sweetest baby bracelet with a little diamond (they come in adult sizes too, in every color, the whole fam can get on board)! And the loveliest St Christopher Heart pendant—a good luck charm for any newborn/toddler/or adult!

ME MYSELF AND I, my current wishlist items I may just (will definitely) indulge in!
I’m a maximalist to my core, so widdling down wishlists is not my strongsuit. Here are some of my current favorites, but know that I have way more up my sleeve. Since I had to try and be restrained, I’m letting you know that my next SubStax will on Spring Bling (think flowers, neons, beads, shells). Below you’ll find a Fernando Jorge heart pendant—I rarely ever look for heart-shaped jewelry but this one isn’t too sweetie-pie, and I love it worn solo or on a big charm necklace. The CAM Studio Totem IV necklace is actually sunshine in necklace form—comprised of solid gold hand-sculpted beads and Tahitian pearls, this piece is like nothing else. The Heritage New York Zodiac Pendant is a great staple for a Mother’s jewelry box, it is customizable and you can continue to add stones as your family grows. The Renato Cipullo Splendente Letter Pendants are making waves with some of the most stylish people I know (it was love at first sight for me) and for good reason… Each letter pendant is based on an alphabet Renato created in the 70s and which he recently revived for this collection; each one feels wholly original and iconic. I love gazing at these gold stunners, and I want one for each of my kids… I’ve always wanted a pair of Sophie Joanne Flower Rings with my kid’s birthstones in the center—imagine a garden of her rings on your hand reminding you of your babies… *sighhhh*… And last but NOT least, my new OBSESSION, these Anna Pierce Jewels Posy Rings, inspired by a medieval tradition in which “poésie,” poetry, was inscribed on bands as tokens of friendship, love, or personal reminders. Each ring comes in 22kt or 18kt gold and hand-engraved with up to 20 characters on each side, they feel like relics, and I want a buttery stack in the very near future.

Where do I begin! Each piece I’ve included below is sentimental, customizable, and/or engravable, all things I need to feel really connected to a piece involving my children and I. Check out the caption for all details… and have fun searching these brands, if you don’t already know them and/or love them, you’re welcome!

Mama Mia! That’s all for now! I know that was a lot, (typical me), but keep checking in on The Stax as I’ll be hosting some wonderful spring Trunk Shows in the run up to Mother’s Day with the mecca of chic, goop, alongside brands such as Jenna Katz (piercing party people!), Natalia Pas, and Calle del Mar! Also! The super elegant and cool ladies of EREDE will be in LA next week, message me to meet the founders and shop some insanely cool jewelry. And if you have your Mom, go give her a massive hug, I know I would.
Love, Always, Victoria
The graphics/collages are so good!! 🔥
Filled with love!